The Ultimate Backpacking Checklist for Volunteer Abroad Traveler of 2024

Last Updated: March 8, 2024

The Ultimate Backpacking Checklist for Volunteer Abroad Traveler of 2024

When was the last time you reviewed your backpack?

Do you plan to volunteer abroad this year? Wondering how to prepare and access the information you need to plan for volunteering?

In this blog, you will discover an array of information for a new destination so that your travel becomes impactful.

Past volunteers said that starting your journey as a volunteer abroad is an amazing and rewarding experience. But they also said, “it comes with its own set of challenges”. From accepting cultural differences to language barriers, volunteers may find themselves in an “oh no” situation quite often which can obviously be overwhelming. If this if your first volunteership and are not familiar with crossborder cultural backgrounds, you will need the right mindset and enough preparation for a unique experience.

As your fellow volunteer program partner FDIP is here to provide a comprehensive guide where we'll walk through your backpacking, and explore the main struggles faced by volunteers abroad and provide effective solutions to update you..

Climate, weather and location

Among all the things that matter, the climate and the location that you are heading to matter the most. And your backpack items should be aligned to the climate of your destination. You need to keep in mind that your favourite shoes and clothes are climate resistant. Just because the place that you are living in the greener side may be sound different and not so greener on the other side. Researching about the destination country and specific location needs weather check, before packing your things This is your crucial first step to organize your trip plan.

Usually volunteering abroad, mostly in developing countries  may not have the best public utility. Such as availability of hygenic food courts, bottled water and public toilets. In this case, your volunteering partner, here  FDIP, is the first person to contact to know and affirm above all. We have prepared a set of questions to get your first-hand answers before embarking.

Here are FDIP’s top 5 questions, volunteers asked FDIP based on their past experiences:

  • Can you discuss the logistical challenges volunteers might encounter when working in unfamiliar environments overseas?
  • Can you tell common emotional or psychological challenges volunteers may experience while working in a foreign country?
  • How do language barriers impact volunteers in their efforts to contribute effectively while volunteering abroad?
  • Can you discuss the ethical dilemmas volunteers might encounter while engaging in cross-cultural volunteer work?
  • What are the financial challenges volunteers may face, for their trip or managing personal expenses in a foreign currency?

Understanding the Challenges:

Imagine that you have just arrived in a remote village and eager to make a difference in society. But then you find yourself in a difficult situation when you realize that communities don’t understand your language. The living conditions there very basic and you don’t know how to manage your personal food, accommodation and expenses. While these sorts of situations may seem very exhausting, these situations are very common for volunteers. And on top of that you have to overcome those situations.

This is where FDIP’s knowledge and experience come into play to make your volunteering successful.

Here are top 5 questions volunteers have asked;

  • How do volunteers manage transportation challenges, such as unfamiliar public transport systems or lack of reliable transportation options?
  • How do volunteers ensure they have access to basic necessities like food, water, and healthcare during volunteership?
  • What online tools can volunteers use to manage accommodation, such as finding affordable and safe housing options in the destination country?
  • How to employ reliable local partners to collaborate with, leading to delays or difficulties in implementing volunteer projects?
  • What are the best course of actions against unexpected emergencies or natural disasters in the host country?

Empathy and Thought Leadership:

Empathy can guide you in many ways. Putting yourself in the shoes of the local community can assist you to understand their needs and challenges better. Listening actively about their experiences and observing them with an open mind can help you build meaningful connections and make your volunteering significantly impactful.

The number one question that FDIP has received from many volunteer is:

  • How can volunteers effectively manage and resolve conflicts or disagreements with their local partners, when working with communities that have different social norms, beliefs, and values?

Realizing Safety Concerns:

Apart from your own travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, evacuation and repatriation, personal safety should  always be the top priority. Whether you're working in a rural village or a bustling city, it is very important to be aware of your surroundings and take measures to ensure your wellbeing. This includes carrying essential equipment, such as a first aid kit (must carry), a portable water thermos, and a reliable communication mobile phone. Always remember that precaution is better than cure. Also, it will be better if you can familiarize yourself with local laws to avoid any sort of misunderstandings with the local people.

The Preparedness:

Before starting your journey, take your time to pack wisely, focusing on essential items that will ensure your safety and comfort during your stay.

Here’re the the ultimate Backpacking Checklist that you can copy and share for your next volunteering

  • Research the safety and security situation in the country or region where you'll be volunteering
    1. Political Stability
    2. Crime Rates
    3. Health Hazards
    4. Natural Disasters
  • Obtain comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, evacuation, repatriation
    1. Trip Cancellation
    2. Refund
  • Pack a comprehensive travel first aid kit
    1. Medical Essentials
    2. Copy of Valid Prescriptions
  • Research local healthcare facilities and medical services available
    1. Hospital / Clinics
    2. Pharmacy
  • Equip yourself with protective gear and clothes
    1. Extreme Weather Protector
    2. Portable Power Backup
    3. Thermos
  • Develop strategies for maintaining mental and emotional well-being
    1. Practice self-care routines
    2. Join Yoga or Meditation programs
    3. Visit wellness and spa centers to pamper
  •  Arrange a reliable communication methods
    1. Share travel itinerary with your family or spouse back home.
    2. Stay connected with trusted individuals during emergency  in a volunteering country.

By completing above mentioned checklist, volunteers can better prepare themselves for a safe and fulfilling experience while volunteering abroad. FDIP is always ensures your safety. We are ready to answer any of your queries.

Have a impactful volunteering trip.

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I met calm, nice and good people.

Thank you for welcoming me into this program.

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- Marina Parejo

Spain, Volunteered in Sri Lanka Monastery

I would recommend this as it is a very full immersive experience in the beautiful Kenyan culture and there is a lot to be learnt.

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- Anna Avataneo,

Italy, Volunteered in Kenya Medical Project

I was having a wonderful time, more than I could have hoped for.

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- Marlene Baumann

Switzerland, Psychology and Meditation Program

In our journey of more than 9 years, we hosted and enrolled hundreds of volunteers. All the good reviews from our previous participants say it all.

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