Volunteer in Ecuador Programs and Opportunities

Volunteer in Ecuador Programs and Opportunities

Ecuador's charm lies in the white-sand beaches, villages around Amazonian rainforest and majestic Andes.  Ecuador is one of the most sought after destination of South America for the travel enthusiasts.

Volunteering in Ecuador is a chance to be part of activities developed to mitigate the economic and social problems looming around the marginalized communities of the country. Half of the population is still below poverty line and unemployment is perennial. Contributing your skills and life experiences can be helpful to bring some change in that.

Available Volunteer Project in Ecuador

From teaching the kids to working in the Amazonian rainforests, Volunteer FDIP has the wide range of volunteering program in Ecuador, designed for the travel enthusiasts and humanitarian workers.

Volunteering in Orphanage

Volunteering in Orphanages in Ecuador is one of the most fulfilling and challenging abroad program. Because of the perpetual poverty in some communities there has been limit in the children’s ability to flourish. Many children are vulnerable as homeless and orphaned.

The Republic of Ecuador is a country depending on commodities, primarily petroleum and agriculture. The country also suffers from political instability and many social issues on the streets. People of low income are neglected, and children have been abandoned. Thus, there is inconsistency in children’s life and children often suffer from the deficit of proper education, health, home and other facilities. This project is designed to address the needs of such needs who reside in orphanage and childcare houses. The place of volunteering is located at the capital city, Quito. You, as a volunteer, will be serving in one or multiple roles as mentors, guide, teachers, and administrative supporters or in any suitable position where your contribution will be productive one.

This project is all about love, care and compassion. Being a volunteer in orphanage of Ecuador program, you will assist with the daily care and teaching process of the kids. It's an opportunity to contribute your understandings of the world for the better upbringing of these kids.

Details of Ecuador Orphanage Childcare Volunteer Program >>

Galapagos Conservation Project

This project is a concept of connecting the international volunteers with the conservation, it will be intercultural exchange experience for both volunteers and the conservation community. Conservation is essential in account of rising climate change and global warming issues. Exchanging the knowledge about environment can be a best way to transmit this wave of crucial global issue.

Details of Ecuador Galapagos Conservation Volunteer Program >>

Conservation in the Cloud Forest

Erosion in the highland areas and deforestation are major environmental issue in Ecuador. If current rate of deforestation persists, then it is estimated that Amazon forest will be gone in 40 years. Therefore, it is very essential for people around the globe to unite against the deforestation of this elemental biosphere of planet and work to conserve the Cloud Forest.

Details of Ecuador Conservation Volunteer Program in Quito >>

Teaching English

Spanish is the official language of Ecuador, but still English is the most spoken foreign language. Schools in Ecuador have to course of teaching English, as a volunteer in teaching English program; you will be assisting the kids to carry out their classes of English language and grammar.

It is also an interesting opportunity to cross learning of languages. While teaching the kids English language you can exchange the learning of Spanish language. Therefore, if you are familiar with English language and looking to learn Spanish, this project can be ideal for you.

Teaching and Community Development

Work for the welfare of the communities by lending your hands of support in different community development activities like sustainable agriculture, environment awareness campaigns, natural resource management programs, health and sanitation awareness programs and various education based campaigns.

Details of Ecuador Teaching Volunteer Program

There is no qualification required for this project, except for ever willingness to serve the children, and act with softness. You must understand the targeted group, their condition and your roles that you will be assigned and maintain child friendly environment. You must agree and abide by the rules and regulations of the organization. Your creativity and skills in music, dance and art can draw their attention towards you and help you in mixing up the environment quickly. Knowing Spanish a little    can be sufficient to volunteer. You must be flexible to adjust and easy to adapt.

Street Children Program

You will be volunteering in Ecuador’s capital city, Quito under this project and be serving the street children. UN defines three types of street children viz. who spend days and nights in the street, who spend only daytime in the street and does not go to any school or institution and who live in the street with the family. As a volunteer to street children working organization, you will be working with all three types of children if you choose the on-site work. If you choose to work inside, you can work with children inside the organization as drop-in center volunteer, psychosocial counsellor, sports volunteer and desk volunteer.

You do not need to have any prerequisite qualification to serve in this program. However, your multilingual ability to communicate in Spanish can make your task easy. You must have clear intensity to serve the children as these are children of vulnerable groups, and yourself discourage taking tobacco or drinks to the best as possible. You must accept and be abide by the rules and regulation of the organization.

more info ecuador

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is volunteering in Ecuador like?

The loving Ecuadorians are known for their generosity, politeness, openness, and friendliness. Everyone is welcomed with open arms by great folks. Volunteering in Ecuador is a pretty great way to learn about Ecuadorian culture and customs, as well as the local people, nature, and wildlife. 

How can I help Ecuador?

The activities available to volunteers in Ecuador are as diverse as the nation itself. There are numerous intriguing conservation initiatives in addition to various social help projects with children, teens, the elderly, and the sick.

What volunteer projects can I participate in Ecuador?

From educating children to working in the Amazonian rainforests, Ecuador offers a diverse range of volunteer opportunities, including assisting in orphanages, street children projects, healthcare, environmental protection, and more.

What vaccination do I need to volunteer and travel in Ecuador?

Hepatitis A, B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), chickenpox, pneumonia, tetanus, and influenza are all recommended vaccinations for volunteers traveling to Ecuador.

What do I need to know about the Corona pandemic situation before traveling to Ecuador?

Things are going back to normal.

What is the visa procedure to arrive in Ecuador?

You can apply for an Ecuadorian tourist visa at the Ecuadorian Embassy in your native country. Bring your original passport, a photo ID for the visa application form, and any other supporting papers required.

Where will I be picked up in Ecuador?

A local representative will receive volunteers at the airport arrival terminal at Simon Bolivar Airport in Quito and transport them to their lodgings. 

How is the accommodation for the volunteers in Ecuador?

Volunteers live with host families, developing bonds, practicing the language, and learning about traditional culture, food, household routines, and customs. Housing is simple, safe, and clean, yet it may deviate from Western standards in terms of size and facilities.

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I would recommend this as it is a very full immersive experience in the beautiful Kenyan culture and there is a lot to be learnt.

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- Anna Avataneo,

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I was having a wonderful time, more than I could have hoped for.

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