Every Animal in This Planet Deserves a Decent Space to Live in, Don't They?
Last Updated: January 01, 2025
Few months ago we posted one of our photographs. The photo portrayed a monkey staring at the horizon above a city full of houses and buildings. A long patch of scar mark was visible in the left arm of the monkey.
People from around the world expressed their sentimental attachment with the photo and replied to the answer of our question Every Animal in This Planet Deserves a Decent Space to Live in, Don't They?
Nature has a balance and excessive human activities to exploit nature are destroying that balance. The human-induced global climate change is becoming a major environmental concern ever since we entered the twenty-first century.
The terrestrial ecosystems and particularly the forests had long been exploited and had changed drastically as the world population increased tremendously, just within the span of a few decades. Due to this the original habitats of wild animals started depleting , and many of them were forced to the point of extinction.
How Climate Change is Affecting Animals?
Though for now we have not noticed the drastic climate change, at least on a global scale. But the risks will certainly increase rapidly over coming decades, and drastic global changes may become inevitable due to lags in the climate system.
Detailed analysis and investigation of the global carbon cycle is essential in order to judge the implications of human-induced changes on the major carbon reservoirs in nature, and to implement the necessary actions to stop climate change.
The rise of terrestrial temperature is bringing the life of many animals in land in danger, while average sea surface temperatures show similar trends to land-based observations, bringing the marine or oceanic animals also at risk.
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How to save animals from climate change?
Global warming and climate change is depleting the original habitat of animals. We need to stop all our activities which are deteriorating the ecosystem. Just saving one animal and displaying our admiration to the animal near us is not enough, we need to improve our habits , every habit which is causing excessive carbon emission. This situation will change only if we can change our habits.
We need to push the world leaders, global business tycoons and industrialists who are keeping the money above everything. We need to speak up and say that if for every exploitation of nature there is some culprit, and the culprit should be responsible for the consequences.
It’s up to us to make sure that every animal in this planet can feel like home inside this planet and can live a decent life.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How can we help animals from climate change?
To help animals from climate change, we have to do everything we can do as an individual,as a community or as an organization to stop climate change.
How can I help save animals?
We can save animals only if we start feeling that we are also part of the animal kingdom.
Why is it important to protect animals from climate change?
It is really important to protect animals from climate change , because each animal is a part of the entire ecosystem. Extinction of one species will deteriorate that balance and will yet further expand the impact of climate change.
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