Best Summer Volunteer and Travel Abroad Programs in 2024

Last Updated: June 05, 2024

Best Summer volunteer and travel abroad Programs in 2024

Summer is perfect time to travel. The summer is way too nice to stick inside, and it enforces us to embark into new places. Atmosphere is vibrant and the time is suitable for great outdoors. In the meantime if you want to do something for the community and want to explore that wonderful, loving, kind and responsible person inside you, then, volunteering abroad in summer programs can be the best way to explore the best of this world and best of yourself.

If you want to be the part of this awesome trend of helping, if you want to rejoice your vigor while encouraging the communities for developments while soaking in all of the natural beauties, then wait no further and sign up for some of the best summer volunteer abroad programs of 2024.

What is Summer Volunteer Abroad?

Volunteering abroad is traveling to a new place while serving the communities by participating in different humanitarian works. And if this volunteer and travel abroad experience is carried out in summer breaks or vacations it is called Summer volunteer and travel abroad.

Soothing and calm weather with phenomenal sunshine, summer always comes with all the energy and vigor necessary to make a meaningful journey. For all those philanthropist and enthusiasts out there summer is best time to travel and volunteer and travel abroad.

How Can I join Summer volunteer and travel abroad Programs?

The process of joining a summer volunteer and travel abroad program is similar like joining any other volunteer overseas programs. It just that in this case you will be more specific in choosing the projects which can offer you some free times to enjoy your summer break.

Just browse the internet and search for “Best Summer volunteer and travel abroad Programs” you will be suggested handful of options. Out of these options select the organizations that offer you best price summer volunteering package. Correspond with the communication team of the organization, do thorough investigation of the experiences they are offering you in their summer volunteering package. Read the reviews and feedbacks of the programs. And if you find yourself satisfied with everything you can make that decision of joining your best summer volunteer and travel abroad program of this 2024.

What are the Activities and Programs I Can Get Enrolled As Summer Volunteer?

Activities  and Programs As Summer Volunteer

There are myriads of activities across the world that you can join as a summer volunteer. From teaching English to Buddhist Monks of Himalayan country Nepal to coaching footballs to the Kids of African gem Ghana, from working in Hospitals of India to joining conservations Campaigns of Ecuador, multitudes of summer volunteer programs are on your way to participate. All you have to do is manage your free time in this summer, sign up for a program and embark into that life changing journey.

What are the benefits of summer volunteer and travel abroad?

Like any volunteer and travel abroad programs, summer volunteering in also packed with positive impacts for the community and some indirect benefits for the volunteers too:

Best Use of Summer Break

Summer time is too nice for someone to just get stuck in a confined space. It is a time when nature is flourishing, and the climate is at its best for the explorers. So if you join for a summer volunteer and travel abroad program, you will make the best use of your free time while enjoying this magnificent time of the year while doing something remarkable for the community.

Vacation with Passion

Yes using a summer vacation for volunteering abroad can be a medium to follow your passion. As a summer volunteer you will work in the field which is of your utmost interest at the same time enjoying your free times in some incredible places.

Hone Your Creativity

For some obvious reasons, we are more active and more creative in the summer as compared to any seasons of the year. Participating in some volunteer and travel abroad program is a way to use your creativity and develop it yet further. If you are a good footballer you can volunteer as a football coach, if you are artist you can share your art skills with the kids of schools and if you are good with writing you can volunteer with some local NGOs to support in their promotion campaigns. Using your creativity for the welfare of the others can be the best use of your summer break.

Boost Your Confidence

If you join a volunteer overseas program in your summer break and face all those challenges to serve the communities in remote areas of world, when you are back by the end of your summer vacation, you will find a complete new you. You will find yourself recharged, filled with energy and spirits, more courageous and more confident. And all the positive energy that you have acquired is the result of the dedication and efforts you have put for that volunteering abroad program.

Are There Any Summer Volunteer Programs For High School Students?

Summer volunteer and travel abroad programs for high school students are a chance to learn about the team work while participating with their schoolfellows in meaningful activities. There are renowned non profits, and community development projects run by small institutions where highschoolers can join and contribute their effort as a volunteer. Whether you are joining the project as group of students in a program organized abroad by the support of your school, or you want to join volunteer overseas program for high school students as an individual, there is always volunteering abroad opportunities waiting for your arrival.

How College and University Students Can Sign Up for Summer Volunteer Programs?

College and University  Students Summer Volunteer Programs

If you are a college or university student, and you are planning to best utilize your summer break. You can definitely opt for some suitable summer volunteer and travel abroad program. There are various ways to enroll into a summer volunteer program for college and university students.

If you wish to join the program individually, you can approach the volunteer overseas service providers directly and you can take part in their projects. If you are planning to enroll with a group of college students, you can initiate a campaign for volunteering abroad with groups. Such campaigns can be funded by crowdfunding or also by the grants from university.

Is Summer Volunteer Program Only for the Groups?

Volunteering abroad is a worthwhile experience to share with bunch of likeminded people. If you are planning to join a summer camp with the cause of humanitarian work, it can be a remarkable journey. So, group summer volunteer and travel abroad program is an opportunity to create the moment of lifetime.

But summer volunteering is not only for groups, if you are more into solo traveling or you wish to  make a meaningful  journey individually, then, you can approach for the summer volunteer program available for individuals.

Where Are Some Of The Best Summer Volunteer Destinations?

From African grasslands to the South American beaches to Asian Himalayan Ranges, there are multitudes of volunteering abroad opportunities in summer 2024.

Summer Volunteer in Nepal

On the foothill of Himalayan Mountains, a country shines with vivid chroma in summer. Enjoyed by its lovely people, summer comes with happiness and celebrations for the people of Nepal. Naturally and culturally diverse, this country is one of the best destinations to be explored in the summer time. The mountains are not so ruthless in summer and the valleys and plain are vibrant. So, if you are looking for a meaningful stay in this South Asian Emerald for a cause, don’t miss out to sign up for summer 2024 volunteer opportunities available in Nepal.  

Volunteering in India in Summer Break

In this prismatic land of religious and cultural spirits, summer always arrives with vibrancy. Celebrated with colors and festivals India welcomes this season and summer tourists with open heart. If you want to enjoy the epitome of this Indian Asian Culture while making some meaningful difference, then summer volunteer and travel abroad program in India would be one of your best picks.

Enjoy this summer 2024 in Thailand

Comprised of beautiful beaches, amazing islands and cultural cities, Thailand is full of majestic landmarks and very hospitable people. Welcoming millions of tourists every year, Thailand is at the pinnacle of its charm in summer. Every summer, people from around the globe soar into this land to enjoy the stunning stretches of beaches. Thailand is a good place to enjoy your summer 2024 while being engaged in some meaningful volunteer works.

Volunteer summer 2024 in Sri Lanka

A pristine island at the coast of Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is an unparalleled beauty of South Asia. Adored for its coastal beauty and eight UNESCO Heritage sites, Sri Lanka is definitely a perfect place to spend this summer vacation 2024. In a summer volunteering in Sri Lanka you can responsibly enjoy your break while being engaged in meaningful activities such Teaching English to Buddhist Monks, Teaching in Schools and Taking Care of Asian Elephants.

Explore Ancient Cambodia in Summer Vacation 2024

A blend of ancient and modern world, Cambodia is an enigmatic kingdom of Asia Pacific. Cambodia had suffered with many unfortunate incidents in its past. Cambodian people are working hard to lead this country towards a better future. This summer, volunteering in Cambodia, you can lend your hand of support to help them to attain that dream of social and economic development.

volunteer and travel abroad Summer in Tanzania

Summer is the best time to catch the spectacular wildebeest migration in Serengeti. Tanzania is the natural paradise of East Africa blessed with breathtaking view of the grassland and wild lives inhabiting there. In summer the wildlife activity is more active and prominent. Joining summer volunteer program can provide you the opportunity to work with Tanzanian communities while enjoying the overwhelming natural wonders of this African gem.  

Summer Volunteer Programs in Kenya

This magnificent country of East Africa is known for the wildlife and national parks. Adorned with the natural diversity, this place is inhabited by wild lives of all shapes and sizes. In the summer, Kenya is blossomed with natural enrichments. Volunteering and traveling in Kenyan summers can be an unforgettable experience of lifetime.

Volunteer Summer Opportunities in Ghana

Summer in Ghana shines with its golden beaches and green coastlines. Despite of the primordial natural beauty, the people of Ghana are still suffering with economic deprivation and social inequality. Volunteering in Ghana in summer 2024 can be an opportunity to discover this facet of Africa while serving its people.

Summer Volunteer in South Africa

South Africa is an exotic country featuring everything that travelers look in for their summer vacations. Fine weather, spectacular scenery, wildlife, beaches abd subtropical coasts. Volunteering and traveling to this Southern tip of Africa can make this summer truly to remember.

Volunteer work in Uganda in summer 2024

Uganda is an original African gem with pure natural beauty. Described as pearl of Africa, this country is a perfect gateway for the travelers and enthusiasts. This country is origin of mighty river Nile and home to the largest population of primates. Volunteering and traveling in Uganda will fulfill your summer with the remarkable moments of building bonds with the Ugandan nature and Ugandan people.

Explore Peru in Summer Vacation

A land of contrasts, a country where natural and cultural ethos are intertwined, Peru can be a crowning destination for every traveler of summer 2024. Volunteering in this mystic land of blended modern and ancient lifestyles can be a lifetime opportunity to live in incredible places and with lovely people.

Summer Break 2024 in Costa Rica

A pure natural paradise between Caribbean and Pacific, blessed with different flora and fauna, Costa Rica is a tropical dreamland and a perfect summer destination. Volunteering this summer in Costa Rica can overwhelm you with breathtaking views of natural speculations. If you are looking for a good place to enjoy your summer meanwhile serving some of your time for the welfare of humans and some marine animals, then Costa Rica can be your best summer volunteer and travel abroad destination.

Guatemala Summer Vacation Volunteer Programs

A country rich in histories and mysteries, a remnant of Mayan civilization Guatemala is heart of Central America blessed with natural wonders and historical heritages. Still majority of Guatemalan people are living indigenous lifestyle and many of them are under poverty line. Volunteering this summer in Guatemala can be a moment to explore this unparalleled pristine beauty while serving its warm hearted people.

Argentina Summer Volunteer

Birthplace of great footballers like Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona, a country rich with natural heterogeneity, from rich plains to thick jungles to majestic mountains, Argentina is real emerald of South America. For the summer travelers, this country stretched from tropic of Capricorn to the tip of Antarctica, can offer the boundless moments to get astonished by the charisma of Mother Nature.

Summer volunteer and travel abroad in Brazil

Home of soccer legends Pele and Neymar, the crown jewel of the South America, famous for the carnivals and blessed with the natural diversity of Amazon forest, Brazil has it all to offer the volunteers and travelers who want to make a meaningful trip this summer 2024 in a magnificent part of the world.

Volunteer Summer 2024 in Ecuador

One of the most diverse countries in equatorial region, Ecuador can mesmerize you with world famous Galapagos Island and mighty Amazon Forest. From stunning stretches of beaches to the soaring peaks of the Andes, Ecuador has everything you might be seeking from a summer volunteer travel moment.

How To Make the Best Out of Your Summer Volunteer Programs Abroad this 2024?

Best out of Summer volunteer and travel abroad Programs

Do you know why summer has longer days and shorter nights?  Just so we can make the most out of the summer energy by being more productive. When better than summer to travel, to go outdoors, to try something new and to take initiatives?  Summer has that spark in its rays that fills everyone with zeal to do something more and to be something more. Summer volunteer and travel abroad program is one of the best ways to spread your summer vibrance for benefits of people and community from different parts of the world and become a global citizen.

All the students waiting for the summer holidays to break free from all those hectic schedules and studies, this 2024 take a volunteer vacation to any continent you have been thinking of travelling to. Problems are everywhere, people who need your help are everywhere all you need to do is decide what problems you want to work around, which community you want to work for. Taking volunteer and travel abroad programs is an investment for young people. Their thoughts, perception, opinions that are yet not concrete will get a horizon and will make them more open-minded and more sensible person in the future.

Decide your goal and motive of volunteering

Volunteering is a calling and choosing a field compatible with your interests, thoughts, instincts is of great importance to make your voluntourism worthwhile. The goal and motivation for volunteering might be different for different people. For the longest of time volunteering was regarded as a

selfless deed or charity work for someone who is not as fortunate as you but it might not be true in all cases. There is nothing wrong in expecting to gain some personal benefits while volunteering. Personal benefits might be career exploration, skills learning, feeling good about self, exploring new places and meet new people and many other such benefits. Some contemplation about the goals and motives will help any volunteer to be on track and get good results.

Estimate your financials and budget

Planning is significant part of any program. Your summer volunteer program can be a great experience if you plan it realistically. While volunteering abroad you need to pay for airfare, program fees, visa, vaccination, insurance and some additional costs. You need to estimate your budget and know priorly the expenses you will be making during your stay. You can contact any volunteer organization to know about the program fees that generally covers your lodging and fooding and also for other information. You can also find organization that offers free volunteering opportunities but some research should be done before you travel abroad for volunteering.

Evaluate the mission and goal of the organization you are volunteering with

Knowing legitimacy of the volunteer organization is very important so that you have a fruitful stay. You can visit their website to know about their vision, mission, goals, past works, reviews, blogs and about them which will give you a picture about how dedicated and professional they are with their work. After this you will know how aligned your goals and their goals are and you can make your choice. Choosing a well-founded organization will make your summer abroad volunteering experience amazing. You’ll create a bond with them and they will help you find places to volunteer that will fit you best.

Find out the major responsibilities and duties of volunteers in your program

Understanding responsibilities is the first step of doing any work. After choosing the program you want to work for the next thing you should know is what duties you will be performing. This will give you a clear picture of works you need to do, timing of the work, things you will be answerable for, skills that you can learn or enhance, impact you can make and also personal time that will be available to you. Knowing these things before hand will help you know what to expect from the volunteer vacation. You will know what group of people you will be working with and can prepare something in advance to double you input in the program.

Search for as many volunteer programs related to your interest

Research is really valuable while planning for best volunteer and travel abroad programs. You should identify your interest which could be working in the field of education, health, environment, development, animals or any targeted group of people like children, women, youths, community people. After knowing your interest you should search for as many volunteer programs as possible to make the most out of your time, skills, money, efforts and energy. If you do a good research you might as well find some offers that could make your trip more easy and productive. You might also discover something new about your own field of interest.

Finalize the accommodation and living

The primary thing you should finalize before you travel is the accommodation and living. For this

Volunteers can contact their volunteer organization to know whether they take care of the accommodation and living or not. If they do, then all the details if possible pictures of the accommodation can be assessed before finalizing. Some organizations provide room in hotels, some in their own hostels, some in host families and home stays while some organization just let you volunteer but do not take care of accommodation and living. Hence, finalizing accommodation and living beforehand is recommended to prevent you from hassle.

What kind of programs you can join as summer volunteer and travel abroad?

There are myriads of summer volunteer and travel abroad programs for teenagers, high school students, college students, university students, gap year students and not just for students but anyone who wants to do something productive with their life this summer in a faraway land. You can get involved in teaching English or any art forms to children, work with orphans and street children, construction work, sustainable development of community, sexual and reproductive health, wildlife conservation, environment, women rights and many more other programs based on your expertise, skills and inclination. All you need is to decide to take this call and spent you summer holiday time in a completely different way which surely will add a new dimension to your life.

Group and family volunteering abroad program

Who doesn’t want to spend their summer bonding with friends and families while experiencing something that awakens something within you and your group. There are many volunteer organizations that offers different abroad volunteer program for groups and families and not just in developing countries but also in luxurious countries. Travelling with family and volunteering will allow any parents to expand the horizons of themselves and their children.

Group volunteer abroad program has been gaining popularity as this allows different group of people like friends, couples, colleagues, siblings and corporate groups to come together for a volunteer vacation working for a common cause. This will lead to a greater sense of understanding among them as well as they can initiate something on their own to help people of their host countries. Travelling in a group will also lessen their expenses and can use those funds for something significant.

Individual volunteer vacations abroad

Everybody reaches a point in life where they want to explore within by exploring outside and challenging yourself. Individual volunteer vacation abroad is a great way to lose yourself in the service of others and discover the compassionate person inside you. People also get benefitted by such programs as they enhance their skills, can get hands on experience on their career and make their CV look interesting. These programs let any individual have a closer look towards the world that we live in while witnessing new culture, tasting new cuisines, meeting new people.

Summer volunteer programs for college students

College students are full of energy and have the fire to try something new and interesting. Best volunteer and travel abroad programs for college student would be anything that will have some adventure and learning in it. This is suitable for any college students who are trying to volunteer and travel abroad during their summer break or gap year as this experience will broaden their perspective, make them more open-minded towards ideas and people, change their mindset and help them make decisions about their life. Such programs will encourage them to value what they have and give back to the greater goods.

Summer volunteer programs for high school students

High school students who are mostly teenagers of today’s generation do not just gets satisfied with the classroom education, they want to get their hands dirty in the actual field. For high school students summer volunteer and travel abroad program would most probably be their first international trip solo or without family. This trip will give them a life time experience which they could never learn elsewhere. Travelling with a purpose at such young age will develop a sense of responsibility in them and they will develop leadership skills, communication skills that will be fruitful in their future endeavors.

Summer volunteer programs for university students

University students are coming at the end of their student’s life where their field of interests is narrowing down. Getting experiences in their related field is very important to excel in their future career. Summer volunteer program for university students is a great opportunity to gain field experiences and getting a chance to analyze the existence of the particular problem in different parts of the world. They can do research while volunteering and travelling abroad which will give them insights to develop programs and intervention for the problem. They can meet people with common interests and work together which will teach them team work.

What are the alternatives of summer volunteer programs?

As a Chinese proverb states “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” So similarly any time of year is suitable for volunteering programs if you are really into it. All you need is that commitment and intention. Volunteering organizations are waiting for you with a tailor-made package that suits you best. You need to do some research and find the best deal for you to do as much impactful work as you can within your timeframe. You can go for alternative spring breaks or winter volunteer vacation if you cannot make it in the summer.

Alternative spring break

Each year many students enjoy their spring breaks on one or the other beaches relaxing. Recreation is very necessary but what if recreation is filled with learning and gaining something meaningful. Just imagine what amazing change would be seen if the students would utilize their spring breaks in something greater than just relaxing. The breaks seems to be short but if planned well they can make most out of their alternative spring break by volunteering for different causes in countries from Asia, Africa, Latin America and others as well. For the students this will be a short break from academics to learn something beyond books.

Winter volunteer vacations

It’s time to make New Year resolution again. Why not take an action instead, that too prior this new year. Gift yourself a new better version of you this Christmas. Rather than spending your winter breaks cuddling with your blanket and watching movies why not  travel to Costa Rica, Nepal, India, Thailand, Bhutan, Vietnam or other countries for winter volunteer vacation to serve the communities, work with children, teach them what you know, explore places, make friends and gain a renewed energy for yourself, be your better version and also inspire people around to give back.

In a Nutshell: Summer volunteer and travel abroad Programs

So far, we uncovered the awesomeness of summer and the vibrancy it holds within. We discovered how summer can offer the stunning and spectacular moments of the year for every traveler around the world, and we could not agree more to the fact that summer is perfect time to volunteer and travel overseas.

It is time of the year which provides us that break from the regular life, the break which we can use for a meaningful vacation full of opportunities to give back to communities. It is a time to boost our passion of being human, to make people come together for helping each other, to create and live some inspiring stories, to move forward and reach that extra miles of our understandings of this world.

Summer volunteer is suitable for everyone. It can be best experience for the group of University and College students to join a summer volunteering camp. Or, it can be a family summer trip, to enjoy good times with family members, meanwhile inspiring each other to make a move for some good cause. It can also be the choice of solo and individual travelers. There is no boundary and constraints to make your summer break significant by joining a meaningful volunteer and travel abroad program.

So, if you are planning to use your summer vacation for something worthwhile, in a journey that will not only leave some positive footprints in some remote corner of the world but also in your mind and spirits, then wait no more and sign up for some of your best summer volunteer and travel abroad programs in this year 2024.

We hope this information was helpful to you and it will help you pick the best summer volunteer and travel abroad program in 2024.
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I met calm, nice and good people.

Thank you for welcoming me into this program.

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- Marina Parejo

Spain, Volunteered in Sri Lanka Monastery

I would recommend this as it is a very full immersive experience in the beautiful Kenyan culture and there is a lot to be learnt.

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- Anna Avataneo,

Italy, Volunteered in Kenya Medical Project

I was having a wonderful time, more than I could have hoped for.

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- Marlene Baumann

Switzerland, Psychology and Meditation Program

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