World Meditation Day: Remembering Our Moments of Peace and Compassion

Last Updated: May 21, 2024

World Meditation Day: Remembering Our Moments of Peace and Compassion

Today March 21st is World Meditation Day, on this day all the meditation enthusiasts spend some time to discover their spiritual inner self and practice meditation.

Over the years we have realized how essential has meditation and mindfulness become to live a better life and to be a better human being for everyone.

On this auspicious day we would like to all our meditation enthusiasts who have participated in our meditation program and inspired us to embark into this world of peace and compassion:

Berend From Netherlands

In our ever-memorable moments we would like to include Berend as one of our incredible meditation enthusiasts. With his deep understanding and practices of meditation, Berend has inspired our local communities and every people he met in his journey for a better life with meditation and compassion.

Brit from Sweden

A medical nurse of age 60, Brit travelled all the way from Sweden to Nepal to explore the world of meditation. Her empathetic and compassionate nature and eagerness to learn meditation has been very inspiring.

Matt from UK

Matt in meditation under oak tree

Photo:Matt in meditation under oak tree in Lumbini, Birthplace of Buddha

Matt stayed in Nepal for 3 months and he had the moment of meditation beneath the oak tree in the Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha. His humble nature and peace of mind has added extra value to our meditation program.

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I met calm, nice and good people.

Thank you for welcoming me into this program.

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- Marina Parejo

Spain, Volunteered in Sri Lanka Monastery

I would recommend this as it is a very full immersive experience in the beautiful Kenyan culture and there is a lot to be learnt.

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- Anna Avataneo,

Italy, Volunteered in Kenya Medical Project

I was having a wonderful time, more than I could have hoped for.

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- Marlene Baumann

Switzerland, Psychology and Meditation Program

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