Greta Thunberg: An Inspiration to All Climate Change Activists and Conservation Volunteers

Last Updated: January 05, 2025

Greta Thunberg: An Inspiration to All Climate Change Activists and Conservation Volunteers

The world was running at its pace of industrial and technological advancements. Production and consumption started becoming the synonyms for human evolution and development. Human civilization was blinded by its affection towards consumption, they started ignoring what footprint they were leaving against the nature behind. As a result of which , the planet started reacting and the symptoms of global warming and climate change started emerging.

Despite many prominent symptoms of climate change across the world, some of the world leaders were still ignoring the existence of this global issue. At that moment one voice, one name emerged from nowhere , the name was Greta Thunberg.

Who is Greta Thunberg?

Greta Thunberg is a climate and environmental activist. Born in  Sweden in 2003, Greta Thunburg became an idol to the world just at the age of 15, right after  she started a school strike in 2018 for the climate outside the Swedish Parliament that has since spread all over the world and now involves millions of schoolchildren. The movement is now popular as Fridays For Future. 

As Greta said once:

The climate crisis is both the easiest and the hardest issue we have ever faced. The easiest because we know what we must do. We must stop the emissions of greenhouse gases. - Greta ThunburgAttributed to Greta Thunburg

Thunberg has been advocating for climate change in rallies across the Europe. In December she attended the United Nations COP24 in Katowice, Poland, where she addressed the Secretary-General and made a speech that was shared many million times around the globe. In January 2019 she was invited to the World Economic Forum in Davos where her speeches again made a worldwide impact. She has won the prestigious Prix Liberté and been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Thunberg is vegan, and doesn’t fly, in order to live a low-carbon life.

The idea to preserve climate and act against climate change activities budded in Greta’s mind when she  was about eight years old, as she  heard about climate change or global warming. For the first time.Ever Since she was surprised how human activities are tending to change the entire face of the planet.

With the voice Greta raised, she had sent a clear message that current generation can not be selfish and put the entire next generation at the risk of extinction by exploiting excessive natural resources and emitting carbon and greenhouse gasses.

Greta Thunberg is just an embodiment of all those voices who are screaming against the activities that are causing climate change and global warming. All climate activists, all the conservation enthusiasts and everyone who behaves responsibly to preserve the natural element of this planet has a Greta Thunberg inside them.

How Greta Thunberg Inspired Climate Change Action?

UN Climate Change Conference Greta raised her voice and spoke up on behalf of Climate Justice Now. She proved how no one can be considered too small to make a difference and even small children can create headlines all over the world. 

The message delivered by Greta has energized all the environment enthusiasts and climate change action leaders. The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 29) made some major agreements for environment and climate protection by committing to triple the finance for developing countries, maintaining standards for international carbon markets and strengthening transparency and accountability in climate action.

What we Learned from Greta Thunberg to Stop Climate Change and Global Warming?

Greta made the world realize that we have not done anything enough to fight climate change. She particularly pointed fingers to some people – some companies and some decision-makers so that there would be specific bodies to take blame for activities and they should compensate for the cause.

We learned that only diplomatic talking is not enough to control climate change. Culprits should be identified and punished while victims should be compensated. The major lesson to learn from Greta is , talking will not make any difference, action will do.

Climate Activist Greta Thunberg

As an environmental activist Greta Thunberg gained global recognition for her unbiased and vocal presence against climate change. She started protesting outside the Swedish Parliament every Friday at the age of 15, urging leaders to tackle climate change. Her solo demonstration sparked worldwide school strikes.

A series of events and her determined initiatives to advocate for environment established her image as Climate Activist Greta Thunberg. Her impactful speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos criticized leaders for inaction and made her an icon. In 2019, she sailed to the UN Climate Action Summit in NYC, passionately calling out leaders and inspiring millions to act. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and was also named Time’s Person of the Year.

We can conclude in Greta’s own words:

We can still turn this around – it is entirely possible. It will take immediate, drastic annual emission reductions. - Greta ThunburgAttributed to Greta Thunburg

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How did Greta Thunberg get famous?

Greta Thunberg actually didn’t do anything to get famous. She was just raising her voice against the world leaders who were ignorant over climate change. Her message was very strong, eventually making her famous.

Why did Greta Thunberg became a climate activist?

Greta Thunberg became a Climate Activist because of her concerns about environment since her childhood, her accumulated rage against injustice acted as a catalyst, and at the right moment she started right conversation and became a voice of many youths who were pledging the world leaders for the climate action.

How Greta Thunberg changed the world?

She broke the status quo. Before Greta, the world powers were keeping the climate change only as an agenda of talk. But her message raised a concern that climate change is real and there are real culprits behind it.

What exactly has Greta Thunberg done?

Greta Thunberg empowered the voice of all the climate activists. She proved that the current generation is jeopardizing the future of the next generation in regard to climate, and the next generation can retaliate regardless of their age.

What did Greta Thunberg fight for?

Greta Thunberg is fighting for climate change action.

What makes Greta Thunberg so special?

The timing made her special. By the time she was speaking up against the ignorant attitude of the world leaders for climate change, the ignorant behavior of some leaders like contemporary US President Donald Trump was very much evident. Which empowered the relevance of her message and her message became special.

Is Greta Thunberg a vegan?

Yes she is a vegan and also avoids flights, an act in support of reducing carbon emission.

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