Earth Day Special: Causes and Effects of Climate Change and Global Warming.

Last Updated: January 01, 2025

Earth Day Special: Causes and Effects of Climate Change and Global Warming

Earth, the only habitable planet, requires our attention now more than ever. Every April 22, we celebrate Earth Day as the day devoted to Earth and people from all around the world show concerns for their planet.

With the ever increasing climate issues around the world, the significance of each Earth Day is more prominent where climate crisis takes the center attention.

“Invest In Our Planet” is the theme of Earth Day 2025- a call for governments, individuals and businesses to invest in better future and green economy.

Causes of climate change

Green House Gases Emission

Green house gases includes carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases. These gases absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range and contribute to global warming.


Rapid cutting down of trees for human settlements, farming, industrialization etc is a major cause of climate change. Trees play a major role as carbon sink but when there is clearing of trees, carbon dioxide is released back in the atmosphere.

Fossil Fuels Combustion

Fossil fuels like petroleum, natural gases and coals are used to generate electricity, transportation and heat and they contain large number of carbon dioxide. Burning of fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide and release them into the atmosphere.

Resources Extraction

Resources like fossil fuels, biomass, metals and non-metals, minerals are extracted and processed which contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions globally. Greenhouse gases emission in the atmosphere is the leading cause of climate change.

Causes of global warming

Burning of oil and coals

Burning of oil and coals release large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The green house gases traps the sun’s radiation and majorly contributes to global warming.

Agriculture and Farming

Various livestock like sheep and other cattle produce methane gas. Grazing of livestock at large scale contributes to huge amount of methane gas production that leads to global warming. Also, use of chemicals and fertilizers release nitrous oxide in the atmosphere which is also a green house gases that contributes to global warming.

Power Plants

One of the major causative factor of global warming is power plants. They burn fossil fuels to run and produce number of pollutants. About 46% of the carbon emission is the result of coal burning in the power plants.

Over consumption and over production

Over consumption and over production of the resources and goods like clothes, plastics increases the pollution level and toxic gases increasing the carbon footprint thus contributing to global warming.

Effects of global warming

Increase in temperature

Increased temperature is one of the most evident effect of global warming the world is facing currently. Increased temperature leads to the extreme weather patterns like drought, flooding, irregular rainfall.

Rise in sea level and melting of ice

The major effect of global warming can be seen on the coastal region. Melting of ice and glaciers causes rise in sea level and extinction of polar bears. The rise in sea level causes a threat of flooding and decrease in the ocean habitat.

Loss of Biodiversity

One of the effect of global warming is the loss of biodiversity. The biodiversity has decreased and some are at the verge of extinction due to habitat loss, erratic climatic conditions, limited adaptability to the increasing temperature.

Effects on human heath

Global warming poses a serious threat to human health. The health issues like asthma, lung disease can affect humans due to the ozone layer depletion as an effect of global warming.

Effects of climate change

Climate change has undeniably huge effects on the atmosphere, environment and health of humans, plants and animals. Global warming is one of the major effect of human-induced climate change.

The other effects of climate change are land degradation, rise in sea levels, increasing temperature and irregular weather patterns that impacts human, environment and all the associated flora and fauna.

Conclusion: Analyzing Causes and Effects of Climate Change on Earth Day

In conclusion, Earth day is one of the significant environmental protest movement of the world where the environmental issues take the center stage that involves more than 190 countries.

It aims to raise the concerns over the environmental issues from climate change to air pollution to environmental degradation and deforestation and support climate actions.
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